Achieving Peace through Understanding. Processing Emotional Pain. Magnifying imperfections. Connectedness and Healing.

Expert Counseling Services

Revitalize your mental
and emotional wellbeing

Area of Practice


Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Self-Help Courses

Is there a particular topic that you’re struggling to accept throughout your healing, so that you can continue to move forward? What’s holding you back, and is it something that we’ve recounted ourselves? Take a look. Perhaps we can offer some help!


C-PTSD Healing | Deconstructing the symptoms, including chronic issues with:

  • Emotion Regulation
  • Identity and Sense of Self
  • Relationships

Who better to educate about C-PTSD, but by none other than someone who has been where you are.


Peace in Parenting

While Healing

We will work with you to create a personalized approach, to withstand some of parentings greatest challenges in spite of what you’re already going through in your own personal life.


Career Challenges

Has trauma gotten in the way of presenting your best self to those that matter to you professionally? It’s difficult to cultivate our more professional selves, during a time of uncertainty, and doubt… Or when we feel most ashamed of how little we have progressed over time.

Let’s work through some of these challenges here together!


Kat’s Baked Goods

The Bakery Shop

Do you have an upcoming event that you’d like to provide your guests with some of Kat’s delectable, sweet treats? Data Analyst by day, and Baked Goods Enthusiast by night– you’re sure to find something to sweeten those tooths here!


Handcrafted Healing Shop

Woodworking and other Various Goods

Interested in purchasing any of the various homemade goods that were made specifically for the purpose of enjoying a favorite pastime through healing. Each comes exclusively with his or her testimony, of the person who fruitfully made for the joy of someone else.

Discover a Happier You through the Connectedness of Others

Get connected through the many online resources available to you, whether it is in this community or others, we hope you’ll find your place.

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